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[Embeded-SCM DevelopChap_9.rar

Description: ZLG USB 套件
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[SCMusb51 v0.4

Description: ZLG USB 套件-ZLG USB set of
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: Jacob | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopChap_9

Description: ZLG USB 套件-ZLG USB set of
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Jacob | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopD12ci

Description: ZLG USB 套件-ZLG USB set of
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Jacob | Hits:

[USB developreadwriteudisk

Description: based on lpc2210 and isp1161, usb host, read and write u disk. from zlg-based on lpc2210 and isp1161, USB host, u read and write disk. from zlg
Platform: | Size: 422912 | Author: resun | Hits:

[USB developZLG_USB

Description: 周立功USB开发板资料,在keil下编译的-weeks meritorious USB development board, in the Keil compiler
Platform: | Size: 867328 | Author: laf | Hits:


Description: ZLG开发USB的ISP1161x参考手册-ZLG development USB ISP1161x reference manual
Platform: | Size: 842752 | Author: 陈荣光 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopLPC214x_USB

Description: ZLG_LPC214x的USB固件程序C源码。针对LPC214xLPC的USB设备控制器,实现USB协议和端点数据的读和写。编译环境ADS1.2 -ZLG_LPC214x USB firmware C source code. LPC214xLPC against the USB device controller, USB agreements and endpoint data read and write. Build environment ADS1.2
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 陈浩 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developzlgusb

Description: 周立功的USB大容量存储开发板带CPLD的代码D的源码-weeks meritorious USB Mass Storage Development strip CPLD the source code D.
Platform: | Size: 432128 | Author: guoyaoming | Hits:


Description: D12 For uCos-II PDIUSBD12 在EasyARM2200开发板上运行,uCos-II下的源码. D12 For uCos-II PDIUSBD12 设备端演示软件 ZLG_D12.pdf USB驱动程序软件包简要说明及应用例子 常见问题及解决.txt 遇到问题请阅读该文件 -D12-II PDIUSBD12 in development EasyARM2200 Market operation uCos-II under the source. D12 For uCos-II PDIUSBD12 equipment soft-demo ZLG_D12.pdf pieces USB driver software brief description and application examples of common problems and solutions. t Anhui encounter problems please read the document
Platform: | Size: 452608 | Author: liuxikui | Hits:


Description: 这是周立功开发的基于ISP1160的USB2.0主机驱动程序-This is the week Ligong ISP1160-based development of the USB2.0 host driver
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: 戴计生 | Hits:


Description: 这是我自己写的一段程序,用的是周立功的smartarm开发板,一个任务能从U盘里读取mylove.bmp文件并显示在屏幕上,读取的是RGB565格式的bmp,有一个任务是读取u盘里readme.txt文档并显示在屏幕,不支持中文,完整的usb host stack 代码,文档中带有ZLG/FS ZLG/GUI ZLG/USB
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: 袁彬 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programarm_example

Description: 嵌入式系统软件开发实例,内含zlg_fs在CF卡的使用、usb开发等-Examples of embedded systems software development, including zlg_fs in the use of CF cards, usb development
Platform: | Size: 4264960 | Author: lsx | Hits:


Description: ZLG company usb 1.1 data
Platform: | Size: 1216512 | Author: qianhui | Hits:


Description: USB驱动程序软件包简要说明及应用例子 D12驱动 PDIUSBD12 PC机驱动程序-USB driver software and application examples of a brief description of D12 driver PDIUSBD12 PC driver
Platform: | Size: 7171072 | Author: aileen | Hits:

[Picture ViewerZLG(2)

Description: zlg 图形移植到s3c2410盒usb-ZLG graphics transplanted to S3C2410 box usb
Platform: | Size: 32868352 | Author: Jinliangxu | Hits:


Description: 在ZLG的LPC211X开发板上没有D12 USB驱动的源程序,自己从LPC2210开发板上更改后的源程序,可以供大家参考。 文件: Usb.HEX Usb.mcp 等相关文件。-ZLG
Platform: | Size: 485376 | Author: 浩荡 | Hits:


Description: LPC2478芯片U盘操作源码,ZLG提供的代码必须用UCOS,NXP提供的DEMO只能操作FAT16系统的U盘,此源码不用系统,并且可操作FAT32文件系统的U盘。此文件缺少ARM7必须的启动代码,分散装载文件等,这部分需要大家自己根据硬件环境编写-LPC2478 chip, U disk Operation Source, ZLG provided code must UCOS, NXP provide the DEMO only FAT16 system, U-disk operation, the source without the system, and operational U-disk FAT32 file system. This file is missing ARM7 necessary startup code, distributed load files, this part of the need to write all their own hardware environment in accordance
Platform: | Size: 509952 | Author: 谢祖发 | Hits:


Description: 周立功LPC17XX USB OTG使用案例-ZLG LPC17XX USB OTG use case
Platform: | Size: 1958912 | Author: 王芳 | Hits:


Description: 周立功的LPC23XX的ARM的各模块PPT资料 USB-ZLG' s LPC23XX each module of the ARM data USB PPT
Platform: | Size: 6732800 | Author: lhb | Hits:
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